Recommended Books

GIMP Bible

by Jason van Gumster and Robert Shimonski

The GNU Image Manipulation Program, more popularly known as GIMP, has been one of the most versatile and powerful freewares around.  With its many tools, filters, and various other features, users may find it a bit challenging to grasp everything.  Fortunately, the GIMP Bible written by Jason van Gumster and Robert Shimonski gives newbies and pros alike all the information they need to harness this program’s potential for image editing, web graphics, animations, digital art, and so much more.  From opening a new canvas to using layers and paths to mastering filters and masks, the book gives a very detailed description of all the ins and outs of GIMP. Read More…

Beginning GIMP: From Novice to Professional

by Akkana Peck

When you’re starting out with GIMP and find yourself lost with its various tools and features, Beginning GIMP: From Novice to Professional will be the perfect guide to get you through that learning curve.  Easily understandable and highly affordable as well, this book will teach you step-by-step procedures on how to install the program, use the GIMP interface, use and create brushes, patterns, and gradients, and edit out red eye and blemishes among others.  This book is ideal for all the hobbyists, graphic designers, photographers, and digital artists out there who want to jumpstart their GIMP experience. Read More…

GIMP 2.6 for Photographers: Image Editing with Open Source Software

By Klaus Goelker

GIMP is a powerful and convenient open source image editing tool that can compete with high-end commercial competitors such as Photoshop.  This low-cost alternative runs on Linux, Mac, and Windows.  GIMP 2.6 for Photographer: Image Editing with Open Source Software guides the reader through the wide array of GIMP tools and features perfect for image editing.  With various colored images and screenshots, this book easily teaches its readers the basic knowledge of adjusting colors and image contrasts to the more advanced techniques of layers and masks.  Being so easy-to-follow, GIMP 2.6 for Photographers: Image Editing with Open Source Software isn’t only ideal for digital photographers, but for just about anyone who wants to enhance their photos for print or web publishing. Read More…

Grokking the GIMP

By Carey Bunks

Even if you feel like you already know everything there is to know about GIMP, Grokking the GIMP will show you those little details that you’ve actually missed out.  This book does not only feature step-by-step instructions on what to do or what a tool does, it also features various theories and concepts that you could apply to just about any photograph, digital painting, web graphics, or any visual product.  Each chapter talks about different topics such as selections, masks, anti-aliasing, color spaces and blending, photo enhancements, and many more.  With every page in full color, Grokking the GIMP is the perfect walkthrough for advanced GIMP users that want to take their knowledge to the next level. Read More…