How to Edit Photoshop Images

edit photoshop images free

Hello and welcome to this video series on the GIMP. In this video, I’m gonna briefly introduce you to editing a Photoshop image using the open-source software called the GIMP. Let’s go ahead and jump right on into this and open up a Photoshop image. Where we at here.. Open..


We got a couple of them right here.. Let’s try that one. Just double-click on it. And the thing about the GIMP and Photoshop images or .psd images and the GIMP equivalent is .xcf, is they come in layers which makes things a lot easier to manipulate and edit and that’s some pretty cool graphics to your images. Like in this case, a header image. And as you can see here with the layers, we’ve got these eyeballs off to the left that allows you to see them.


So if you turn off or click on the eyeball, that’s going to change the way that particular layer appears or does not appear on your image. And another thing about the layers is the order in which they are in your dialog box here affects the way they show up on your particular image. So if this “Fitness Tips”, which is more than likely the text here, if this were further down in these group of layers then you may not see it all because it could be underneath more of a solid color. Let’s move it down and I’ll show you what I mean. And you can do that by these arrows here.


Let’s  move it down so you can see it underneath the shape here. And the text obviously changed. Move down some more and it goes all the way together because it’s underneath this layer which is more solid. Now you can adjust these layers too by using the opacity bar here. You can see just slide it right on by. I didn’t adjusted the whole bunch on this particular layer but let’s try this one here. Wait, let’s go back here. Click that because I was adjusting the text, actually. That’s kinda silly. So let’s try this one. Adjust it and you can see if we’re down to almost invisible or transparent then the text starts to show through. Another cool thing you can do with manipulating the layers in a Photoshop image.


So let’s go to this guy right back on up where it was. One other thing too I wanted to mention is whenever you go to save your changed file, you would go to File. It’s really isn’t much different than saving it in any other program. In this case, you want to name your file and if you wanna keep the .psd or the Photoshop extension or if you wanted to change it.  If you wanted to change the extension, you may also be adjusting the quality of the image  by changing the extension so you wanna keep that in mind. You come down here to “select file type (by extension)” and hit the plus sign and you get a bunch of options here. And this is that .xcf image that I was talking about. This way you’re creating a Gimp image with layers then you can save it just as you would as a .psd. It’s really the same thing, only this is the GIMP version.


And we’ve got several options here to choose from. And if one doesn’t work for you, well come on back and and change it to another extension that will. And that’s basically it, folks. A quick introduction to adjusting or manipulating or editing a .psd file while using your GIMP software. Hope you learned something. Thank you very much for watching and have a great day!

***To download the PDF of this tutorial Click Here.